The Penis is a sensitive Organ. You can reduce its size in the course of some two months. You are surprised by this Information? It is enough to use in narrow diameter means of sexual satisfaction, be it a young girl or a tightly squeezed Hand.
First, you need to with an average size of the Penis, in order to be critical of his. He is 13-16 cm in length and 3 in diameter for the representative of the European iden race. If the value of your warriors to fit this frame, you should think carefully before embarking on the procedures described below.
How to enlarge his Penis at home?

So how Penis at home? The most effective methods are:
- jelcing;
- Massage;
- Extender;
- Train-Loads;
- Gels, medications, vacuum pump less effectively, which in complex with the basic techniques.
The most important thing you do not need to increase at the beginning of the training, the member: instantaneous result you get. And in addition, if you are ready to regular Training, you may lose all the services from the stable construction of self-worth.
We look at how to enlarge Penis in the home and the technologies on which the well-known techniques are based.
Jelcing. How does it work?
The principle of the piecing of centimeters with the help of Jelqing is universal for all Massage techniques, this fine area. It is based on the expansion of the corpora cavernosa, the structure of the Penis. Increasing their diameter to increase the volume of blood, the filling, during erection. And this, in turn, means the multiplication of the size of his Majesty, the Penis.
Jelcing. Exercise 1
How to enlarge his Penis at home with the help of Jelqing? Above all, the corpora cavernosa need heat to improve its elasticity. This includes cooking salt, or any buttock in a frying pan. Pour contents of the pan in a sock (of course, clean and dry, and not the person that he on one leg at the Moment), apply directly to the member. You need to try to heat the entire surface of the member, distribute the contents of the improvised uniformly warmer.
Then prepare start — just as the word "jelcing is". Especially imagine, a little spicy, able to our hero's delight. Zealous should not be: we only need 40-50-minutes-per-cent erection. This is necessary for the partial filling of the cavernous structures of the blood, of the you and tracks will be used in the implementation of mechanical impact on a member.
More Penis process to reduce any lubrication irritation on his tender skin.
Now, clutching his arms, at the base folded in a tight circle with your fingers, with this "Ring" move of blood to the head, the exercise of slight movement along the member. The density of the compression of the Finger is individually, on the basis of the sensations: of pain should not be, but the voltage must be high. The movement should take off slow (35 seconds), with a small down. Not to touch to the head. Repeat the exercise.
The direction of movement must be changed: bottom, left, right, up.
The duration of the procedure in the first time limit the better 40-50-th approaches. In addition, it is recommended to increase their number to two hundred-three hundred. The professionals of Jelqing representatives of the stronger sex is permissible and five hundred exercises per day!
Exercise 2
This exercise stretches the cavity of the body through the increase in pressure. Cause you take the member, the entire surface of the palm of the hand, compression, holding not less than ten seconds. If the palm is not the whole of the "Vityaz", allowed the second. Compress without fanaticism, not to hurt the blood vessels and cavernous structures. Prolonged-release member with the above-described directions.
In the case of the correct implementation of treatment and regular exercises in the Massage, the result in the location of the owner of the extended Penis surprise. A minimum of 2 inches of growth per month of instruction you can expect. The combination with other methods, increases the efficiency of the event.
How to enlarge his Penis Extender
One of the most effective methods for penis enlargement — the use of the device with the silly name "Extender".
Looks like the above two rings that are connected by sliding doors made of metal or plastic rods. Fixing a member of a Ring at the base, the other the same – to-head "of the fighter", in regular intervals, increasing the distance between them by increasing the length of the rods, wear constantly, in the course of the month. Due to the lightness and small Extender no complaints wear caused. Remove call erection fairs. Results: from three inches to extend. Fix it, carry on.
Extender. Function principle

How to enlarge his Penis at home with the Extender? The tense cock between the rings stretching their structure, but also increased tissue provokes growth, as the body tries to get rid of uncomfortable for him, spun, initiates cell growth to compensate for the missing substances. Awesome – easy.
Honors penis enlargement Extender from all of the other methods is guaranteed and the result is an eternal one. That is to say, the mighty dimensions of the "heroes" will remain with you always.
There are several types of extenders:
- Vacuum;
- Cingulate cortex;
- et Al.
The most convenient to apply as a vacuum and belt-Extender, looped the same are more popular because of the lower cost, despite some pain. Each ruler Phallus chooses how to enlarge Penis, on the basis of their own reasoning. You can buy these useful devices you can have in the Online Shops, but also in every Sex-Shop in the country.
The same principle, but for free
Based on the same principle of stretching the Penis weights work, added to it. The efficiency is not so high due to the rare events, as with the Extender.
At the tip of the Penis attached to a wide framework program with tape to be sure the tip is fixed. Up to the end of the tip load attached: first of all, a little, in the course of time and the constantly increasing number of procedures. The event is best in a sitting Position, no longer than fifteen minutes for the first session. In the subsequent duration of the exercises and the load gradually increased. And don't let numbness of the head! Remove pavement at regular intervals, so that the little friend a break.
Penis due to drugs, gels and ointments
Whether it is real? How can you make your Penis with the ointment? In General, in any case. The working principle is extremely primitive: the gain of blood flow to the sexual Organ. Not longer than two hours with only a few exceptions. The increase in the small member of the it brings.
And with drugs, some more effective than gels that you have to be vigilant. They are based on hormones. It is unpleasant consequences carries with it is. In addition, such supplements can lead to be able to sexuality, that Hyper -. Not bad, but in connection with hormonal disorders deliver a lot of trouble can.